Winter Solider/Falcon Series Coming to Disney’s Streaming Service


A few weeks ago I reported that both Iron Fist and Luke Cage had been cancelled by Netflix and now we are starting to find out why. Disney just dropped one of the biggest bombs and this alone will make me want to get a Disney streaming subscription.

We are getting a Winter Soldier/Falcon series!

Yes you heard right! And the best part is that this series is going to have the SAME actors that are in the movies! We are going to have Anthony Mackie reprising his role as the Falcon and Sebastian Stan playing his iconic role as the Winter Soldier. However, we don’t know where this is set as it could be set before the events of Avengers: Infinity War or after. And if it is set afterwards the next Avengers movie would have to be released with them in it correct?

Disney’s streaming service (called Disney Play) also hinted that we are going to get a Loki series as well as Vision and the Scarlet Witch. One of the things that is going to be amazing as these are going to be big buget series and not smaller budgets such as the ones on Netflix. So could this also mean that we would get all of the Netflix shows imported over as well? Wouldn’t it be great if we saw Falcon and Winter Solider take on the Punisher or even Daredevil as they think they are enemies but band together against a greater foe? The possibilities are endless!

What do you think about this new series that will be on Disney Play? Will you go ahead and order a subscription because of this? Let us know! We love hearing from you!