Uncharted 4 Delay


Uncharted 4 Delay
Author: S.A.

So I’m here to put a damper on your Christmas cheer Uncharted fans. That’s right, news from Naughty Dog has come to town, and we can expect delays for their up and coming masterpiece Uncharted 4 A Thief’s End. Slotted to release in March of 2016, Naughty Dog has informed the gaming community that additional time is needed to ensure that Uncharted 4 is as crisp and as beautiful as possible. Instead promising us delivery in April of 2016, which hopefully they will adhere to.

29522509aa1c66aac98b0e15eb3ad5b004f24ec5First came the surprise…

Now I hardly mean to sound cynical, and as a gamer I’m use to it, having developed a thick skin in what can only be called a world of constant set backs for games. That said, I always cross my fingers and my toes when delays are announced for up and coming games. Always hoping that this will be the only time the company must do as such. Though as far as gaming companies go, Naughty Dog has earned my support in terms of delivery times and general production value on their games. With this being their 4th delivery in an already beautiful gaming series, one can only help but feel confident in the fact that they will deliver on a stunning new game. This unwavering hope lies in the fact that when Naughty Dog last announced a delay on a title, The Last of Us in 2013, due to similar issues of “polishing their product” they came out with a game that earned them a multitude of awards. It’s a company that has been known to deliver, not drag its product through the mud.

Uncharted-4_elena_1434429092Than the devastation at the news…

So here we are about to bravely step foot into a new year of gaming, and I can only hope that not only Naughty Dog, but all gaming companies deliver on one hell of a gaming experience.

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