Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End


Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Platform: Ps4
Release Date: March 18, 2016
Author: S.A
Developer: Naughty Dog

If there was ever an adventurer with less luck than Nathan Drake, I have yet to meet them. That said, in March of 2016 we are slated to see the fourth installment in what can only be called a brilliant game series by the Naughty Dog team.

NathanOur favorite plucky hero is returning to the game screen.
Nathan’s return to the gaming world had only been hinted at for quite some time, especially with the release of a short and dark looking trailer back in June of 2014. This trailer can be seen here and features a Drake that isn’t unfamiliar to us. The short glance showed us a Drake that has seemingly been out of the thieving game for quite some time and one that is, for reasons currently unknown to us, desperate to get back in. The dark and gloomy setting of the trailer seems to be a far cry from the normally bright and energetic games, seemingly hinting at Nathan’s lack of good fortune in the years that he’s been away from us. Beyond that, the trailer seems to hint at one more important factor, one that as a gamer I haven’t wanted to hear, which is the end of the Uncharted series.

One last timeSo can I count on you? One last time?
As if that trailer wasn’t enough to wet the appetites of the gamer community, Naughty Dog decided to release a lengthy gameplay trailer during this year’s E3 convention. In the trailer we get to witness the return of our two favorite boys, Nathan Drake and his forever illustrious teacher Victor Sullivan. Almost immediately upon entering the new and vibrant world our two protagonists are beset by a whole host of new bad guys that seem to be out for their blood, so essentially a regular day for these adventurers. As the trailer continues we witness both a narrowing escape from their aggressors, and a daring rescue attempt for their new party member Sam.

Drive timeRoads? Who needs roads?
All in all, this new trailer feels like old times with our death defying friends.  The developers at Naughty Dog have once again showcased a game that doesn’t seem to fail in terms of both gameplay, and graphics, often making the gamer feel like they are living in a cinematic adventure due to its fluidity and beauty. This is a must get game for all those Sony gamers as it remains to be a Ps4 exclusive.

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