TitanFall 2


TitanFall 2
Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Developer: Respawn Entertainment
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release date: October, 28,2016

First Person Shooters are the bread and butter of the gaming world. They’re made at an alarming rate, and spewed out almost as fast as the machine gun fire often featured within the games. However amongst the plethora of titles available to us under the acronym FPS, one game stood out in the last decade as innovate in it’s approach. This game, TitanFall, added a fun element to the FPS realm that other titles were lacking, and allowed gamers to reach new heights in terms of creative and combat scenarios.

Now here comes it’s sequel.

Watching the trailer for Titanfall 2 brings back all those old feelings of death defying mobility and action paced shooting. After all, not many games allow you to stomp around in a powerful mech, and  practically fly around open world areas as a nimble pilot that is capable of running along walls, climb up ledges, and using your unseen jetpack to push you just that much father in this high action adventure game. This type of manoeuvrability in an FPS game was as of yet unseen until Titanfall came onto the scene, and many games have since tried to copy its standpoint due to its resounding success.

Titanfall 2 has added to it’s already fun repertoire by adding in a grappling hook that can fling you long distances. This ability, in combination with your jet pack, is sure to add to the parkour type movements made within the game. Thus making it an even more high paced shoot – em up playground for the daring. It works much like spider-man’s web slinging ability, allowing you to maintain momentum and climb to even higher heights.

gallery-1459872025-titanfallThe Titans themselves have gone through a bit of a change. The gaming community will be disappointed to find that they wont be able to mix and match the weapons available for their mech assault units. That is to say, the Titans have specific classes with an assortment of specific abilities each that cannot be changed. Beyond that, the timer system for your next available Titan has also been removed. In true FPS style, the only way to summon a new Titan is by killing enemy players and existing A.I. to earn the points necessary to summon down your personalized gundam. Admittedly this might not be as fun for those of us incapable of finding any kills within the game, but also might force players to step up in terms of capability.

The truth of it remains to be seen.

The gun system itself within the game seems to have gotten an overhaul. The development team has been working to bring us an assortment of new weapons available to players, as oppose to just the small number available in the first title. The game has also been promised a much longer campaign mode – as the first game seemed to centre only on online play – much to the disappointment of players. This could make up for the harder online mode, as the players who can’t cut it on the online servers could possibly enjoy the game in another fashion.

All in all, another season of mech fighting, off the wall, shoot em as you run madness is on its way folks.

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