Tips for Hiring a Printer for Your Illustrations

Tips for Hiring a Printer for Your Illustrations

Selling prints and reproductions of your work is a fantastic way for any illustrator or artist to distribute and showcase their pieces. However, the professional equipment involved in this process can be expensive, so not every artist can create their own reproductions. Instead, many rely on professional services to order their prints. Here are some tips to help you hire your first printer for your illustrations.

Understand Which Types of Prints You Want

The first step to finding the right printing service for you is determining which type of reproductions you want to obtain. You have a wide range of print materials at your disposal to showcase your artwork. Traditional art reproductions can be easier to navigate, as the artist often chooses a material to match their original drawing surface and supplies, such as canvas or textured paper.

However, when producing digital illustration copies, you have several options available. With the right resolution and settings, you can order your illustrations as small as postcards or as large as signboards. Choose a printing service that offers a wide range of reproduction options, sizes, materials, and more.

Consider Their Printing Equipment

Not all printers are equal. Your standard office inkjet printer can’t create the same high-quality images as a professional machine. This is why high-quality equipment should be a priority when researching a professional printing service. Giclée is a specialized process that uses high-quality equipment and inks to produce beautiful images, posters, and more. This technique creates stunning reproductions for display, sale, and more, so consider seeking a service that uses equipment suitable for giclée printing and other advanced techniques.

Browse Reviews and Company Reputation

Once you’ve found a list of companies that meet your printing requirements, you should also consider the quality of their services and their reputations. Even if a company offers giclée printing or archival inks to match your digital colours perfectly, their customer service or shipping could be lacking. The best way to investigate a company’s complete ordering process is to check its reviews and reputation. Visit the company’s website and peruse both its positive and negative reviews. You can also reference online art forums and communities for reviews and recommendations.

One of the biggest steps in starting a successful art business is to find a printer that you can rely on. Follow these tips to help you find and hire a trustworthy printer for all your illustrations. Once you have selected a service, you can start designing and editing your illustrations for orders.