The Biggest Bang


the-biggest-bang_page_1The Biggest Bang
D.J. Kirkbride (w) • Vassilis Gogtzilas (a & c)

The end of the end of the beginning is here! Since his universe-destroying birth, Cosmos has saved countless planets and deposed an evil galactic tyrant! He even brought his love, the space warrior Wyan, back to life! But it’s that very act of heroism that has diminished his powers just as they are needed the most against the dark machinations of The Cosmic Church of the Half-God!

TPB • FC • $19.99 • 152 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-763-5

Bullet points:

  • “I’ve never seen an artist who quite constructs this kind of impression… and with Kirkbride steering the story—but never shutting down Gogtzilas as a primal artistic force—this is bravura stuff for IDW.” — Comics Alliance


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