Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Kevin Eastman Notebook Series: Michelangelo


teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-the-kevin-eastman-notebook-series-michelangelo-_page_1Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Kevin Eastman Notebook Series: Michelangelo
Kevin Eastman (w & a & c)

TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman has been making comics for 30 years—and across three decades he’s amassed mountains of developmental character sketches, script notes, page roughs, and even alternate pages. Along the way he’s created one-of-a-kind notebooks filled with the detritus of his process, entirely unique collections exploring the inner workings of his creative methods. But now these unattainable treasures are ready for fans far and wide, tirelessly reproduced from the original notebooks, and curated by the foremost TMNT authority in the world!

HC • FC • $39.99 • 48 pages • 9.75” x 13” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-778-9

Bullet points:

  • “It’s one thing to hear about what Artists & Writers go through when developing a project, but to get such an inside look behind-the-curtain is amazing.” — Nerdspan


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