Sony’s Play At Home Initiative – Offering Two Great Games for Free


So we’re all stuck at home, struggling to come up with things to do – and itching to secretly go outside. That said, Sony has tried to help us combat our boredom and loneliness. They’ve done this by offering us two great titles to play at home with their new Play At Home Initiative.

As of tomorrow, PS4 owners can go out and claim Journey and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. As a huge Uncharted fan, this is pretty nifty to me, as I want the title to get more fame and renown. PlayStation users in China and Germany won’t be as lucky, in my opinion, as they will be getting Knack 2 instead of Uncharted. These games will all be free to grab until May 5th and, here’s the kicker, once you redeem them they shall be yours to keep. This isn’t like the typical PSN grab and play, where without a PSN prescription you no longer have access to the game. This is instead Sony genuinely giving the games out for free, as a kind gesture on their part to combat our boredom and reward those of you who are staying home during this trying time.

That said, go collect your game friends! I’m going to collect it just in case my hard copy of the game disappears by some chance.

One more cool thing of note is the fact that Sony has also earmarked up to 10 million dollars for struggling indie companies that are having a hard time during this worldwide crisis. How this money will be allotted and given out remains to be announced, but it is a kind gesture on Sony’s part to look out for the smaller companies out there.

Or secretly a mafia boss debt in the making? Who knows.

Either way, thanks Sony.