Sea of Thieves


Sea of Thieves
Platform: Xbox One, PC
Developer: Rare
Publisher: Microsoft
Release date: 2016
Author: S.A.
             Not much is known about this new upcoming project by Rare developers. What I do know is that it actually looks like a lot of….fun? If you’ve had a chance to check out the trailer you can see that the game
Sea of Thieves seemingly takes all the fun aspects of Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, that being the sailing of the high seas, and has turned it into a game.

maxresdefaultOff to adventure we go folks!

Rare is calling this game it’s must daring project yet, and I’m going to have to agree. A game where you seemingly take on the adventure of being a pirate, and have to experience all the hardships, and haunted treasure that goes along with it. That said, make sure to develop a trusty crew, or else you might be found dead at sea.

Y3yb                           Seems to be focused on online gameplay, so get your buddies hooked in.
From the short trailer we are able to gleam that you’ll be really facing off on the high seas, seemingly fighting other groups of pirates. With ships engaging in sea warfare, I’m sure the customization for the ships will be an important aspect for this upcoming title. Sea of Thieves also seems to feature quite the amusing game dynamic, which is the ability to have people walk the plank into shark infested waters. This aspect of the game alone is one reason that I will be investing in it when it comes out. To many times have people crossed me…and now they shall pay.

Sea-of-Thieves                        Lets make our best friends walk the plank, just to set the tone of our adventure. 


                                         Disagree with me? I’ll blow you up.
We still don’t much else about the game, but we can tell it looks fun. So keep your eyes and ears peeled for anymore news on the site. It’s definitely going to be a hit in the future. That said, personally I’m going to just create a gang of Pirates and run the sea despite all the competition you all might pose, but that’s just me.

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