Road to SDCC 2018: Why Geek is the New Cool Panel


SDCC 2018: American Mensa’s Why Geek is the New Cool Panel

There are more and more shows, movies and comics and other mediums where the characters flaunt their intelligence. From Tony Stark who is a great inventor and also masquerades as Iron Man to the cast of the Big Bang Theory who not only sport great intelligence but are fans of pop culture. And one of the biggest celebrations of pop culture is this year’s San Diego Comic Con!

American Mensa is going to be holding a panel at this year’s San Diego Comic Con and they will be discussing “Why Geek is the New Cool”. They will be covering how there is a rise in new pop culture characters, storylines and themes that are promoting intelligence and how even the mainstream is catching on to geek culture. If this sounds like something you might be interested in and might want to attend here are the details below.

● Date/Time: Sunday, 7/22, 3PM – 4PM
● Location: Grand 1 & 2, Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina
● Panelists:
○ Steven L. Sears – writer, producer, and Mensa member
○ Leif Gantvoort – actor and Mensa member
○ Christopher Lastrapes – former Director at DC Entertainment, current VP of content strategy for Theorum Media, and Mensa member
○ Trevor Mitchell – Executive Director, American Mensa
○ LaRae Bakerink – Chairman, American Mensa Board
○ Representatives from Educational Insights

So if you love to see characters exploit their intelligence or you are a member of Mensa yourself go ahead and attend this event! For more information about the up and coming San Diego Comic Con keep it locked here to Comix Asylum for all the news coming out of San Diego.