Road to San Diego Announcement #7


Warlords of Appalachia-00Our seventh announcement in the #RoadToSanDiego reveals new original series Warlords of Appalachia, debuting in October from Phillip Kennedy Johnson(Last Sons of America) and newcomer artist Jonas Scharf!

The simmering tensions of a range of current issues, including religious liberties, gun control, and international concerns, boil over at the same time with a new president at the helm, causing a second U.S. Civil War. The New Confederacy is crushed but Kentucky holds out, not recognizing U.S. sovereignty. It is during this tense situation that Chess, the 13-year-old son of Kade Mercer—a mechanic, former National Guard medic, and former MMA fighter—is captured by forces sent by U.S. President Roth, causing Kade to rise up and become the first feudal warlord of Appalachia. 

The cover to Warlords of Appalachia #1 by Massimo Carnevale (Aliens: Defiance) is below, along with character designs by Scharf.


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