Review: The Walking Dead: World Beyond 107 – Truth or Dare

Annet Mahendru as Huck - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Zach Dilgard/AMC
Annet Mahendru as Huck – The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Zach Dilgard/AMC

Warning: Review May Contain Spoilers!

The Walking Dead: World Beyond 107: Truth or Dare

This week it’s Huck’s turn in the spotlight with a look into her pre-apocalypse life in Truth or Dare. Her flashbacks center around some good times with her military buddies on the night the world fell apart. At first glance there isn’t much to distinguish current Huck from her former self but upon closer inspection the differences are more internal than external.

Truth or Dare kicks off with Huck fending for herself while away from the group until she runs into them in their new ride. A short time later she’s brought up to speed on the new additions, Percy and his uncle Tony who have some CRM maps to share with everyone. The maps contain the locations of the CRM’s hidden fuel depots and Felix reasons that they could use them to fuel the truck for their trip to New York.

Iris takes a special interest in the map and tries to make some sense of it all. She pulls out a map that Elizabeth gave her and discovers the image of a DNA strand on it. The rest of the group soaks it all in and come to the conclusion that the map might lead them to where Iris and Hope’s father is. Everyone’s spirits are lifted but Silas’ elation is short lived. There is a love triangle developing between Silas, Percy and Iris and he feels like the odd man out.

There are clouds over Huck as well. The empty she took out before the opening credits was a fellow Marine. Lost in nostalgia, she’s not quite her usual self and Felix notices it. Some underage drinking kick starts a game of Truth or Dare among the younger set while Felix and Tony do some alcohol fuelled bonding of their own.

Huck’s flashbacks continue recounting her being pressed into action with her fellow Marines to restore some order during the first moments of the apocalypse. Haunted by the event of that night she finds herself on the roof trying to collect her thoughts. Her solo time is cut short though when Hope enters the scene to escape the discomfort of playing the game with the others. Hope’s emotions get the best of her and she confesses that she killed Elton’s mom. Hope doesn’t have the market cornered on regret or guilt though and Huck does her best to help her come to terms with the fallout of her past actions.

Truth or Dare adds a lot of dimension to Huck. Her backstory is illuminating and we even find out her real name and how she got her scar. It also connects her to Hope. Both have to live with terrible things they’ve done in the past while trying to do the right thing. The real shock however comes in Truth or Dare’s final moments. The cliffhanger elicits all sorts of questions but since slight-of-hand has been in abundance recently believing what we see may not necessarily lead to the truth.