Review: The Terror 108 – Terror Camp Clear

Tobias Menzies as James Fitzjames - The Terror _ Season 1, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Aidan Monaghan/AMC
Tobias Menzies as James Fitzjames – The Terror _ Season 1, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Aidan Monaghan/AMC

The Terror 108 – Terror Camp Clear

If you haven’t watched last week’s episode of The Terror you will be shocked as things have taken a turn for the worse. The crew have found some of the indigenous people but as they offer no help to the people that have come across them something more dire has taken place. One of the crew has taken to cannibalism and he is running around half naked eating the corpse of one of the men.

As Terror Cmap Clear starts we see Captain Francis Crozier and Captain James Fitzjames walking side by side as they come across the giant monolith and in it was a paper saying that all is well. However, all is not well as Captain James says that he feels a tiredness deep in his bones as he and Captain Francis reminisce about home and how they both came to be here. Captain James at one point does call himself a fake but Captain Francis dismisses that as he has seen this man do some incredibly brave things. At that point he tells Captain Francis that he was born out of an affair and his name was made up as he is not even really fully English. At age twelve Captain Francis set out to make a name for himself but he says it was all in the name of vanity.

“And we are at the end of vanity,” he finally says.

“Then we are free.” Captain Francis replies.

The exchange ends with the two calling themselves brothers as they stand out on this barren plain. They make their way back to camp only to find see people running around camp saying that they were attacked. Its reported that they have encountered the Eskimo people and they were met with violent means. Mr. Hickey was the one that saw the attack happen so we know that he is to be trusted right? Everyone in the camp is now on edge as they have heard about the attack and their attackers are hungry for blood. The Lady in White is shown the body and is asked if their people did this. In horror, she stares at the corpse and shakes her head no.

As the amount of fear and paranoia run rampant around this camp are the crew going to make it through this? Will the tainted meat kill them or do they still have to worry about the beast that lurks out there? Tune in for this week’s episode to find out and for more information and episodes head over to and don’t let the fear grip you.