Review: The Terror 101 and 102 are Amazing

Tobias Menzies as James Fitzjames, Ciarán Hinds as John Franklin - The Terror _ Season 1, Episode 1 - Photo Credit: Aidan Monaghan/AMC
Tobias Menzies as James Fitzjames, Ciarán Hinds as John Franklin – The Terror _ Season 1, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Aidan Monaghan/AMC

The Terror 101 – Go For Broke 

The Terror 102 – Gore

In 1845 there were two ships that were looking for a safe route into the Northwest Passage. These two ships were called the Erebus and the Terror and were headed by Captain Francis Croizer and Sir James Franklin. They were trying to find a route through to Asia as this would shave weeks if not months off that trip and give the HMS Navy more than a few opportunities in this new and emerging world.

This first review of The Terror is going to be a bit longer as I am covering the first two episodes that were shown on AMC in a two hour block. I am also going to try not to spoil anything about the episodes so you can go back and watch them at your leisure. The first episode is named Go For Broke as it sums up how the captains felt at this time.

As we are into the trip both ships are moving along with the wind and are on course. Ice is starting to become a factor, however there is still time to make it through this passage unhindered. During the voyage it has become pretty uneventful except for an accident on deck which has killed one of the crew. Also, another of the crew members had come down with a disease called Consumption. Known today as Tuberculosis this is a disease that had killed hundreds of thousands of people in the 1800’s as they had no idea what it was or how to prevent or even fight it. Unfortunately the crew member succumbs to the infection and dies on the ship.

– The Terror _ Season 1, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: AMC

The captains have a decision to make should they continue on their voyage in order to chart these lands and hopefully find a new trade route? Or will they turn back? Of course the captains choose to press on as they have a duty to King and country as the HMS is one of the mightiest navy’s in the world.

The second episode Gore sees things take a turn for the worse as the ships are stranded on the ice. As they are stuck the captains start to reminisce about the times spent back home, attending plays and such. Their celebrity is touched upon as they were also recognized by the crowds and applauded for the duties they had served for their homeland.

As summer approaches the captains send out lead parties in every direction in order to figure out where the ice had melted so they can continue on their journey. As some of the parties come back with more disheartening news there is one team that does not come back in time and needs to make camp. The team actually makes camp before a severe snowstorm blankets the area but during the storm they hear something out of the ordinary but they simply cannot place it.

Paul Ready as Dr. Henry Goodsir – The Terror _ Season 1, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Aidan Monaghan/AMC

The Terror is simply amazing in part because it is based on historical events. The show is masterfully shot and the cinematography rivals some of the epics that are shown on the silver screen. If you like history and the unexplained this is definitely a show you need to check out. For more information on The Terror and to get a sneak peek at some of the upcoming episodes head over to and get ready to see what lurks on the ice.