Review & Spoilers: PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 (of 5)



“The Pilot” (30 pages)

Created by: Dave Justus & Matthew Sturges

Writers: Matthew Sturges & Dave Justus

Artist: David Hahn

Colors: Hi-Fi

Letters: Jared K. Fletcher

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 Hoknes Comics exclusive variantCovers by: Annie Wu; Hoknes Comics

Publisher: Devil’s Due/1First Comics

Cover Price: $3.99

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 warning labelThis is the inaugural issue of the merged comic book companies! Heartiest congrats to their uniting!!

Devil's Due-1First Comics logoCaught in a bad romance. Actually, let’s make that budding romance. That’s the premise of this first issue. The name of the series is generic enough to encompass a thematic understanding. The protagonist falls in love quite quickly with his co-star who is obviously attractive, intelligent, and whimsical compared to his ineptitude in the dating game.

The title implies many firsts: the supporting cast, the setting, and the conflicts. Who’s who is established followed by where the rising action and climax will take place.

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 1 Dan & ThrenodyPUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 2 Violet & Rhett







Rom-com meets fantasy. The latter is always an eye-catcher and appealing food for thought. The former doesn’t jive with everyone. The extra eight to ten pages are for laying the groundwork. That’s all fine and dandy. What irks me is the witty banter (or lack thereof) between Dan and Threnody. He tries too hard or not at all because he is oblivious. Her playfulness borders on the devious especially when exquisite tastes in the bedroom are dropped like a bomb-burst. Soap opera elements figure into this story since the secondary characters are cardboard representations. Their names alone make me groan and roll my eyes.

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 8 ScarletI’m all for crude, lewd, and rude but when Dan’s mother openly states her dry as a desert status, I find that extremely disturbing. I still can’t get that scene out of my head. The simple-minded kind-hearted young man comes from royalty. He’s got major daddy issues since he was abandoned then neglected. The fact that his father is the King of Sardonia should be cause for celebration. For a brief moment, there is elation in their reunion but that quickly goes down the toilet. Pun intended!!

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 28 Dan reunited with Daddy - elatedPUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 26 - Dad reunited with Daddy - deflatedDan’s evil brother who is news to him comes out of nowhere, just because. He is also a sorcerer dabbling in the dark arts. I’ll theorize that the creative team wants to poke fun at the absurdity of fiction but I’m not buying it.

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 30 Kade CloverKing Clover is either buffoonish or crafty. The point of the matter is the monarch Calumnus is about to wage war with them. The first salvo is holding hostage the good son Dan.

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 31 panel 1 no need for hostilityPUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 31 panel 3 awaiting ordersPUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 32 enemyDave Justus is well-versed in fantasy and horror having written FABLES: WOLF AMONG US and one issue of HOUSE OF MYSTERY with his new co-writer Matthew Sturges!! E for Effort in terms of shifting gears by putting a more comedic slant in this series. I know satire when I see it and I realize there are far more developments to be made but the dialogue was drawn-out and the narration was grimace-worthy.

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 11 title mentionedMatthew Sturges has made his mark with Vertigo Comics. Horror is right up his alley!! No coincidence that he worked on one issue of HOUSE OF MYSTERY with Dave Justus who is now his co-writer. It’s difficult to determine who wrote what. Are they on the same playing field regarding plot and script? Going in the opposite direction and coming out of one’s comfort zone is always admirable. Either way, I can’t fully invest in these characters.

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 back coverDavid Hahn extends the hyperbole through the facial expressions. Everyone plays it up to the extreme. The dragons are cute and cuddly. One could create an activist group over their use as aircraft.

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 pg. 16 dragons aircraftHi-Fi provides a very clean background. There are no indiscernible items that make you squint and/or ponder. The characters come first as they have ample amounts of face time. Literally!! The skin tone has never made ‘four-wall’ individuals look more real.

Shame on you publishers for misleading us by name-dropping Annie Wu!! Sure she did the cover and she has more recognition in the field but still…

PUBLIC RELATIONS #1 inside coverAll in all, I was unimpressed with this initial issue. The ambition behind it all isn’t enough to grab my attention. Truth be told, I read one half and did not finish until the day after. I’ll give this a 5 out of 10.



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