Review: Preacher 310 – The Light Above

Dominic Cooper as Jesse Custer - Preacher _ Season 3, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Alfonso Bresciani/AMC/Sony Pictures Television
Dominic Cooper as Jesse Custer – Preacher _ Season 3, Episode 10 – Photo Credit: Alfonso Bresciani/AMC/Sony Pictures Television

Preacher 310 – The Light Above

The Light Above brings Preacher’s third season to a close with another bizarre offering full of copious amounts of blood, bullets and squeamish scenarios. Jesse, Tulip and Cassidy all see their narratives reach some level of conclusion and Tulip even manages to alter her destiny in the process.

Jesse returns to Angelville, this time with Genesis in tow, to finally finish things off with his dear ole granny. First up though is a trip back to the Tombs to take care of some family business with T.C and Jody. With Genesis at his command, Jesse informs Gran’ma L’Angelle that his debt is paid and that she’s next on his hit list. Gran’ma plays her trump card though informing her grandson that she’s made a deal with the devil that would condemn Jesse to Hell if he killed her.

Tulip has her own troubles to solve when her bus ride to Hell gets interrupted by a bunch of modern Nazis. All sorts of mayhem breaks loose when the rag tag group confronts the Cowboy and Sydney but not before a quick dose of social commentary is thrown into the mix. No amount of bullets, decapitations or swift kicks can keep Tulip from her fiery destination until some divine intervention works in her favor.

Cassidy finally turns the tables on Eccarius when he teams up with Mrs. Rosen in a clever gambit. If this season of Preacher has taught viewers anything it’s beware of little old ladies. Even though Cassidy’s methods may have run counter to his position on turning individuals desperate times call for desperate measures.

The final act of The Light Above features the elimination of several characters and sets up the show’s direction for Season 4. With the Allfather out of the way, Herr Starr is in full control of the Grail. His obsession with Jesse has shifted significantly and now it’s firmly rooted in revenge. Season 4 promises to be an explosive one with Jesse in full control of Genesis and the Grail ready for all out war.

Overall, this was a pretty good season for Preacher. While not at the heights achieved during parts of the first season, and a tad more pedestrian overall the show maintains its appeal. The reunification of the Jesse/Tulip/Cassidy trio is encouraged asap as the chemistry between the leads is excellent. Although the trio may never be what it once was the more time they share on screen the better Preacher is for it.