Review: Into the Badlands 302 – Moon Rises, Raven Speaks 

Aramis Knight as M.K., Sherman Augustus as Moon - Into the Badlands _ Season 3, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Aidan Monaghan/AMC
Aramis Knight as M.K., Sherman Augustus as Moon – Into the Badlands _ Season 3, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Aidan Monaghan/AMC

Into the Badlands 302 – Moon Rises, Raven Speaks 

Moon Rises, Raven Speaks features some interesting narrative developments, throws some of the conventional wisdom surrounding the show into the fire and offers glimpses into a couple of characters’ pasts that raise an eyebrow or two.

The prophesies of Azra hold promise to more than those we’ve encountered so far on Into the Badlands. Pilgrim and Cressida also share a fascination with the prophesies and look to establish a new kingdom in the Badlands. However, not everyone in their crew believes that they’re being led down the correct path. A sermon on the steps, blind faith and some fancy footwork soon convinces any of those with doubts to remain in the flock.

Nathaniel Moon fully assumes his role as the Widow’s right hand man, no pun intended, and gets a gift from her for his service. Decked out with a deadly new prosthetic hand, Moon is also charged with straightening out the opium addicted M.K. The lad is looking a tad worn out and his reliance on the drug doesn’t make him the asset the Widow requires him to be. M.K. isn’t open to getting a new teacher and is spoiling for a fight. You’ve got to hand it to Moon though (that’s the last one, I promise), as he handles M.K. and takes on the job when the complicated nature of their interpersonal relationship is revealed.

The nature of Henry’s mysterious powers sheds some light on Sunny’s past. Talk of a mysterious former master known as the Mad Witch and Sunny being found with a mark of Azra around his neck when Waldo discovered him as a boy lead Sunny and Bajie on a quest to help save Henry. Before they can set off on their journey, Moon shows up looking for Bajie and information on the Iron Rabbit.

There’s a definite method to M.K.’s madness and he uses his charms to acquire more opium from one of the Widow’s charges. Unable to access his dark powers due to his belief that he’s responsible for his mother’s death, M.K. uses the opium to enter into the spirit world to seek answers. Confronted by his dark alter ego M.K. soon learns that the Master altered his vision of the past to conceal the truth. When the events of his mother’s death are presented in a new light it comes with a shocking twist that threatens to further alter the alliances that have been forged on the series so far.

The Widow offers Lydia an interesting proposition and the conversation between the two is one of the more layered exchanges in Moon Rises, Raven Speaks. The back and forth is laced with subtle threats, grandstanding and offers that will test the strength of Lydia’s conviction to her people.

Moon Rises, Raven Speaks is another solid episode of Into the Badlands. It takes what viewers have learned over the past two seasons, added a few new ingredients, tossed it all into a blender and the results, so far, are satisfying.