Review: Kingsway West #2


kingsway-west_2In the first issue of Kingsway West we were introduced to the wild west that is ruled by magic and a substance called red gold. This Chinese gunslinger had fought in a war and had survived so he could live in peace with his wife Sonia. The latest issue of Kingsway West has just hit the stands now but is this a series that you will want to keep reading or does it fall flat in the 2nd issue?

The second issue kicks off with a flashback as Kingsway West is telling his wife one of the stories from the war. He was retelling a story on how a priest had set fire to over a hundred orphans and how he shot him in the neck. We then flash forward to the present as he is confronted with a decision to intervene in a fight. Kingsway shoots the three people attacking the mystery woman who introduces herself as Ah Toy. She has a proposition for him as a bunch of freelanders has come across a strike of red gold but they need someone to help defend them. As they go riding off a party has gathered and is now on the trail of both Ah Toy and Kingsway West. But will they go ahead and make it to the settlement before this party? You will have to read the rest of the issue to find out!

What I am loving about this book is that it meshes both magic and the wild west into a seamless story that everyone can enjoy. In fact I think this is one of the best books that Dark Horse has come out with in quite sometime. If you like magic, fantasy, steampunk or the wild west go ahead and give this book a chance as it has a great story and excellent art. For more information on this and other books head over to and get ready to find some of the red gold.


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