Review: Gotham Academy Second Semester #2


review-gotham-academy-second-semester-2In the first issue of Gotham Academy Second Semester we saw Amy, Eric and Olive break into the Wedgewood House. It was there they saw some of the strange symbols that were scattered around the house. What do they mean and will we get some answers? Well get ready folks because Gotham Academy Second Semester #2 has finally hit the stands. But is this a school you will want to actually attend or would you just rather cut class?

The issue opens up as Maps is screaming that it is second semester as Olive tries to keep her quiet. Amy is still sleeping off the events from yesterday as she runs off to class. Olive admonishes Amy as she took Eric’s inhaler but Amy just brushes her off. Later on at the Detective Club meeting Pom notices the symbols that Eric has been drawing in his book. The same symbols that he found over at Wedgewood House. It turns out that Pom has a master symbol as well and she wears it around her neck. But what does this all mean and what is going on with some of the shadowy figures that are starting to show up around campus? This and other secrets will be revealed by the end of this issue.

What I love about this comic is that it is ramping up the tension slowly. You see interactions between characters as they are friends but they are also trying to figure out what is really going on at Gotham Academy. The writing and art are on par for this issue as they were for the last and they give off a creepy vibe throughout this issue.  Without giving anything else away all I can say is if you loved the first issue you will want to pick up this one. There seems to be more going on at Gotham Academy than meets the eye. But will the folks over at the Detective Club be able to stand up to the task or will they meet their doom? Go out there and seek out this comic at your local shops folks as we are going to be in for a bumpy ride.


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