Review: Comic Book Men 602 “Mistress of the Stash”

Cassandra Peterson (Elvira), Bryan Johnson, Ming Chen, Mike Zapcic, Walter Flanagan - Comic Book Men _ Season 6, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Pawel Kaminski/AMC
Cassandra Peterson (Elvira), Bryan Johnson, Ming Chen, Mike Zapcic, Walter Flanagan - Comic Book Men _ Season 6, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Pawel Kaminski/AMC
Cassandra Peterson (Elvira), Bryan Johnson, Ming Chen, Mike Zapcic, Walter Flanagan – Comic Book Men _ Season 6, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Pawel Kaminski/AMC

Comic Book Men 602 “Mistress of the Stash”

Happy Halloween everyone and to celebrate the ghoulish event the Comic Book Men welcomed the legendary Elvira, Mistress of the Dark to the Stash. During Mistress of the Stash, Elvira popped by the store to help with a blood drive, the boys chatted about the joys of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and a customer comes in and challenges Walt’s knowledge of a certain character.

A big Martian Manhunter fan enters the store and is immediately taken by a 2003 mini bust of the extra terrestrial JLA’er. Talk turns to the possibility of a Martian Manhunter movie and the customer’s love for the character runs counter to Walt’s opinion of him. After some negotiating a deal is struck, due in part to Walt’s admiration of the customer’s Manhunter knowledge.

A bandage on Ming’s arm leads to a discussion about donating blood. Ming, a regular donor, mentions the merits of his actions and it’s soon agreed upon to hold a blood drive at the Stash. To really give the event a jolt, Elvira passes by and Bryan, Walt, Mike and Ming don costumes. Their costumes are pretty good but without a doubt top prizes goes to Bryan’s fat Carrie ensemble. The banter between Elvira and the boys is hilarious and before the blood drive begins they also get the chance to ask her questions about her favorite films.

A customer comes into the store looking for some memorabilia from the classic TV show, Mystery Science Theater 3000. Luckily for her, there’s a Tom Servo Replica waiting for her. The best parts of Mistress of the Stash come from Walt’s reluctance to give blood and Elvira’s playful jabs at his manhood because of it. The episode was an early treat for fans of Halloween and the Comic Book Men.

Cassandra Peterson (Elvira) - Comic Book Men _ Season 6, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Pawel Kaminski/AMC
Cassandra Peterson (Elvira) – Comic Book Men _ Season 6, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Pawel Kaminski/AMC


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