Red Barry: Undercover Man, Vol. 1


red-barry-undercover-man-vol-1_page_1Red Barry: Undercover Man, Vol. 1
Will Gould (w & a & c)

Red Barry was one of the most visually innovative adventure strips of the mid-1930s, combining fluid brushwork and noir shadows (in bold blues and purples) with figures that were constantly in motion, plus a level of violence that brought cries of protest from its syndicate. Red Barry and Secret Agent X-9 were King Features’ answers to the Tribune Syndicate’s popular Dick Tracy by Chester Gould. While X-9 continued for decades under hands of various quality, Red Barry by Will Gould (no relation to Chester) was an auteur’s vision that lasted less than four years (primarily because Gould couldn’t meet his deadlines). Regardless, it is today considered one of comics history’s great unsung masterpieces, one which famed mystery writer Anthony Boucher said was “the only detectives strip…worthy of any consideration from my scholarly viewpoint.” This two-volume series will reprint the complete dailies and color Sundays.

HC • PC • $49.99 • 284 pages • 11” x 8.5” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-722-2

Bullet points:

  • Will Gould was the artist who had the most impact on me.” – Hugo Pratt


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