Preview: Killing Red Sonja #3


Killing Red Sonja #3

Writers: Mark Russell, Bryce Ingman |  Artist:  Craig Rousseau

Covers: Christian Ward (A), Juan Gedeon “Jim Lee Homage”

                Variant (B), Christian Ward Grayscale Variant (RI/BW)

                Christian Ward (RI/Alternate Color Variant)

                Christian Ward (RI/Alternate Color Variant Virgin)          

FC  |  32 pages  |  Action/Adventure  |  $3.99  |   Teen+ 

Spinning directly out of the epic RED SONJA title written by MARK RUSSELL!

The boy that will kill Red Sonja encounters The Bird Overlord. Normally, the Overlord’s deadly birds seek only gold. But for the power this boy possesses, they may make an exception…  By MARK RUSSELL (Red Sonja, Year Of The Villain), BRYCE INGMAN (Edgar Allen Poe’s Snifter Of Terror) and CRAIG ROUSSEAU (The Flash).