Preacher Ep 204 – Viktor: Review

Ian Colletti as Eugene; single†- Preacher _ Season 2, Episode 4 - Photo Credit: Skip Bolen/AMC
Ian Colletti as Eugene; single†- Preacher _ Season 2, Episode 4 – Photo Credit: Skip Bolen/AMC

Preacher Ep 204 – Viktor

Tulip, Tulip, Tulip what have you been up to? Tulip’s past finally catches up to her as she comes face to face with the as yet unseen Viktor. Definitely a man of considerable means with a penchant for violence one has to wonder what Tulip ever saw in the man. Yes, our hard driving heroine hasn’t been exactly truthful with Jesse and she’s about to face the consequences of her duplicity.

Meanwhile down in Hell, Eugene gets introduced to some of the realm’s inmates when the gates to their cells open up. Ever the do-gooder he runs afoul of one particular inmate before being saved by none other than Hitler himself. It seems that everyone’s cell is their own private Hell and the inmates are forced to relive their sins over and over again.

Getting back to Viktor though, he’s one nasty piece of work. Still smarting from Tulip’s betrayal he’s unfazed by her tears and gives her the chance to explain herself. Back among ‘family’, Tulip is given the cold shoulder by everyone on Viktor’s staff including a spiteful little girl named Ellie. What could Tulip have done to warrant such vitriol? That answer doesn’t come until later in the episode.

A surreal infomercial featuring Frankie Munoz potentially brings Jesse and Cassidy closer to finding God but also throws their faith in the mission in doubt. It seems that God may be an actor named Mark Harelik from Louisiana. To track him down they go to God’s talent agent and using a ruse involving a chance for Mark to star on Game of Thrones get a lead on his whereabouts. Jesse sits down to watch God’s audition tape and at the conclusion of some performances of biblical proportions he’s gunned down on the tape. “Fake God” as Jesse calls him had to be killed as it’s the only way to get him into Heaven.

Viktor is strong episode that helps to heighten the intrigue on Preacher. Eugene is forced to come to terms with his new surroundings. Tulip must reconcile the consequences of her past actions and how they ultimately affect Jesse. With the startling revelation that Viktor is Tulip’s husband Jesse’s world will no doubt be thrown for a considerable loop. Toss in the fact that Jesse’s use of Genesis has attracted the Saint of Killer’s attention and it’s only a matter of time before things go from bad to worse. Much worse.


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