Overwatch Really Doesn’t Approve of Cheaters


Overwatch Really Doesn’t Approve of Cheaters

Nothing is more annoying than hackers and cheaters inside a video game. They take away from the general joy and amusement that is to be found for gamers within their favourite escape. Hacking and cheating their way to the top of the charts, and making your work seem meaningless in comparison.

Cheaters just suck.overwatch_tracer

With that in mind, Overwatch’s approach to hackers is like a breath of fresh air. The FPS game, created by the gaming giant Blizzard, came out just last month and is already cracking down on the cheaters present within their world. Blizzard has banned an amusingly large amount of cheaters since the games inception. More than 1500 from China alone have been banned permanently from the game, players finding themselves incapable of tricking the gaming software presented within the game.

To add insult to injury, the banned players were then called out by username on Blizzard’s forums.

As the above video has shown, Blizzard isn’t forgetting previous offences. One player has claimed that while they were banned initially for cheating, they were re-banned after buying the game despite not cheating this time around. The software of Overwatch likely detecting the previous cheat codes used to plunder their system on the offending players PC.

The same player than proceeded to change not only their MAC address, but also their processor ID data and other information, then tried to play the game again. However, once more they were banned despite not cheating. The likely problem lying in the fact that Blizzard has “file (registry) marked” their computer.

Which means the only way to play would be to reinstall their OS system.

Blizzard has no wish to overturn their decisions, and are making it known to all players that cheating won’t be tolerated in any way on their severs.

That said, don’t cheat guys. If you do, the rest of us have no problem waving good bye to you as you fly to the other side of the fence.

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