NYCC 2017: CBLDF & Valiant Debut Joint Fundraising Activities for New York Comic Con 2017


NYCC 2017: CBLDF & Valiant Debut Joint Fundraising Activities for New York Comic Con 2017 with Exclusive Tours, Signings, and More!

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) and award-winning comics publisher Valiant Entertainment are joining forces to offer an exclusive fan experience that benefits the CBLDF’s important work in protecting the First Amendment and the freedom to read comics.

In tandem with New York Comic Con 2017 – running from Thursday, October 5th through Sunday, October 8th – Valiant is opening the doors of its Midtown Manhattan headquarters to fans who donate in support of the CBLDF’s vitally important cause. For donations beginning at just $100, qualifying fans can obtain an all-access tour of Valiant HQ – located just steps from New York Comic Con’s central nerve center at the Javits Center – as well as rare and limited-edition Valiant comics and merchandise, the opportunity for one-on-one signings with Valiant creators and staff, and more:


• Tour of Valiant HQ, hosted by Valiant staff
• Valiant/CBLDF Variant Bundle, provided by CBLDF


• Tour of Valiant HQ (capped to five participants), hosted by Valiant staff
• Valiant/CBLDF Variant Bundle, provided by CBLDF
• SECRET WEAPONS #1 Variant Bundle, provided by Valiant Entertainment


• Tour of Valiant HQ (individual tours, limited to five total), hosted by Valiant staff
• Valiant/CBLDF Variant Bundle, provided by CBLDF
• SECRET WEAPONS #1-4 Variant Bundle, provided by Valiant Entertainment
• Sit-down signing (limit 30 minutes per group) with SECRET WEAPONS writer Eric Heisserer and artists Raul Allen and Patricia Martin


• Tour of Valiant HQ (individual tours, limited to three total), hosted by Valiant staff
• Valiant/CBLDF Variant Bundle, provided by CBLDF
• SECRET WEAPONS #1-4 Variant Bundle, provided by Valiant Entertainment
• Sit-down signing (limit 30 per group) with SECRET WEAPONS writer Eric Heisserer and artists Raul Allen and Patricia Martin, plus WAR MOTHER writer Fred Van Lente, Valiant Editor-in-Chief Warren Simons, and Valiant CEO & Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani

Click through the links above to donate and secure your space now! Tours and signing times will be assigned for Friday, October 6th or Saturday, October 7th at Valiant’s discretion.

“Valiant Entertainment has been an active and vital supporter of the CBLDF since they initially burst onto scene, and it’s always great to work with them on fundraising events like this one,” said Alex Cox, Deputy Director of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. “They have some of the most dedicated fans in comics, and hopefully this experience will give those fans an inside look at the industry, while also helping us continue our important work, defending Free Expression.”

Valiant Entertainment has been a supporter of the CBLDF since 2012 and a Corporate Member of the fund since 2013. In the past four years, Valiant has created a manner of initiatives in support of the Fund, including the creation of exclusive covers annually for Comic-Con International in San Diego by comics luminaries such as Erica Henderson, Gilbert Hernandez, Tony Millionaire, and more.

For more information, visit Valiant on FacebookTwitterTumblr, Instagram, and

For Valiant merchandise and more, visit


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