November : Artist’s Edition Month!


2014 has been a monumental year for IDW’s Artist’s Editions, with releases from a staggering amount of iconic creators that range from Jack Kirby to Charles Schulz as well as an Eisner Award for Best Archival Collection for Will Eisner’s The Spirit Artist’s Edition. The first-hand look at original art is always something to behold, and this November, IDW will bring this unique experience to current ongoing titles during the second-annual Artist’s Edition Month!

Gracing the cover of 12 titles thisNovember, artists will one again provide homage covers to the traditional drawing board style that is displayed throughout IDW’s award-winning Artist’s Edition series. With paste-ups, blue-lines, whiteout, and notes, these special covers harken back to a different era of comic book creation. Look for the Artist’s Edition variants cover for the following titles at a local comic shop near you:

  • Borderlands #5
  • Edward Scissorhands #2
  • G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #208
  • Godzilla: Rulers of Earth #18
  • Judge Dredd #25
  • The Maxx: Maxximized #13
  • My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #25
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters #2
  • Transformers: Drift: Empire of Stone #1
  • The X-Files: Season 10 #18
  • V-Wars #7
  • Winterworld #5

Additionally, each participating title will also be available with a blank sketch variant cover so you can draw your own, or get your favorite artist to truly personalize your book.

Look for these titles to make their way into comic shops beginning this November as well as the highly anticipated Enemy Ace Artist’s Edition.


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