Nintendo Dropping Drugging Scene


Nintendo Finally Dropping Drugging Scene From Game
Author: S.A.

Sometimes in life we are faced with individuals who are far to crass to truly be called human, and often we are forced to either correct their ridiculous nature or ignore them in the hopes that they will simply disappear. That though is what we do with individuals, when a corporation messes up we often wonder how in the world they manage such blunders with a whole team of people at their beck and call to review and overlook their product before distribution. This feeling of confusion came about during Nintendo’s rather embarrassing blunder in one of their most beloved games Fire Emblem: Fates, a game only released in Japan last year.

The role playing video game allows players to not only choose what there gender or physical appearance will be, but they are also allowed to select their sexual orientation. This ability for selection was met by approval from fans worldwide due to LGBT inclusion finally starting to be more present in games. However, almost immediately nothing but anger from those same supporters could be scene as players found themselves capable of drugging one of the games lesbian characters and transform her into a straight woman.

Wow, I don’t know how they thought that one would fly over well.

The company quickly responded to the complaints that the game supported the drugging of women and gay conversion therapy. They’re method of answer? The company executives announced this week that the company will make sure to alter the game before its scheduled release in both Europe and the United States. Though Nintendo states that they will continue to sell the original version in Japan.

Japan clearly doesn’t mind the rather rude representation.

The actual event in question happens between Soleil, a lesbian character who has the unfortunate habit of getting nervous around women she meets. If your an individual who happen to choose a male character at the beginning of the game, you have the ability to slip Soleil a magic potion (date rape drug) without her consent or knowledge. The potion forces Soleil to see you as a woman now, and allows Soleil to fall in love with you. Her attraction staying true even after the ‘magic’ wears off and you remain her first male love.

More than a few western gaming sites have denounced this interaction as homophobic and as a form of gay conversion therapy. For those of you not in the know, Gay conversion therapy is based on the idea that homosexuality is a choice that can be altered through therapy. A rather ridiculous nothing that is used by religious groups to “pray the gay away”.

In all honesty I’m less than impressed by Nintendo’s decision to keep the game the same anywhere, it portrays a rather bad notion on what is acceptable to young gamers and shouldn’t be condoned.

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