Nintendo Announces More Than Just Zelda at E3


Nintendo Announces More Than Just Zelda at E3

Nintendo has been all over the map with their upcoming E3 plans, taking off their shelf the announcement of their Nintendo NX and deciding to finally report on more than just Zelda. Whereas previously their plan seemed to centre around “Only Zelda” they are now ready to report on more than few upcoming titles. In a press release earlier last week, Nintendo confirmed that they will be showcasing several titles during Nintendo’s livestream while at E3. That livestream will be on June 14 and June 15, a must watch event for any Nintendo fan’s at the event.2558028-zelda_002

Though that pretty much sum’s up Nintendo’s E3 plans for 2016: a Zelda booth and a two day Nintendo livestream. There are no plans for any press conference or big reveals this year, which is slightly worrisome for fans that have an interest in Nintendo’s future.

The livestream is set to be showcasing the following games:

  • The Legend of Zelda for Wii U
  • Pokemon Sun/Pokemon Moon
  • Monster Hunter Generations
  • Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
  • Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

For those of you looking to tune in just for Zelda and Pokemon news, both those games will be feature on the June 14th livestream. Even more exciting, it will feature live gameplay from both upcoming titles.

This change in plans is likely due to fan’s wondering about what Nintendo has to offer in the future, and whether or not they should be investing their money in the company. That said, I have doubts as to whether or not this small showing will be enough to garner any serious attention for the company, Zelda fans aside, and think that perhaps Nintendo needs get their butts in gear.

The gaming world is slowly leaving them behind.

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