MS. MARVEL Coming to GraphicAudio®


ms-marvel-headphonesMarvel Comics’ own MS. MARVEL Coming to GraphicAudio® Now You’re Talkin’!

New York, NY, July 13, 2015 – Marvel Comics’ MS. MARVEL is an international sensation!

You’ve seen and read about the highly acclaimed and inspirational new Marvel hero, Ms. Marvel. Now hear what she sounds like!

Click Here to Listen to a Preview of MS. MARVEL Vol. 1: NO NORMAL in GraphicAudio

For the first time ever, GraphicAudio will adapt a Marvel character directly from the comics themselves. This is your chance to hear Ms. Marvel issues #1-5 as collected in the trade Ms. Marvel Vol. 1: NO NORMAL.  Through cinematic music, a full cast of voices, digital sound effects, you’ll be immersed in this mega-hit comic book series like never before!

Kamala Khan is an ordinary girl from Jersey City – until she is suddenly empowered with extraordinary gifts. But who truly is the all-new Ms. Marvel? Teenager? Muslim? Inhuman? As Kamala discovers the dangers of her newfound powers and unlocks a secret behind them as well. Is she ready to wield these immense new gifts? Or will the weight of the legacy before her be too much to handle? Kamala has no idea either. But she’s here to stay!

Mixed in 5.1 Surround Sound DTS and in Stereo, MS. MARVEL is available from and via the FREE GraphicAudio Access™ Mobile App which allows customers to directly download titles on their Android or iOS smartphones and tablets.

Ms.Marvel Vol.1: NO NORMAL in GraphicAudio releases on August 17th, 2015.  Pre-Order at today.  CD formats and Marvel TPBs also available at comic shops and Inhuman-loving bookstores near you!


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