Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #19
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist: Hendry Prasetya
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Jamal Campbell
Connecting Variant Cover: Steve Morris
Variant Cover: Dan Mora
Action Figure Variant Cover: Joshua McDonald
Price: $3.99
Synopsis: Eager to maintain a relative peace from Rita Repulsa’s alien hordes and seek a new path to heroism, the Rangers look to Grace’s organization, Promethea, for help.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #19
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist: Hendry Prasetya
Cover Artists:
Main Cover: Jamal Campbell
Connecting Variant Cover: Steve Morris
Variant Cover: Dan Mora
Action Figure Variant Cover: Joshua McDonald
Price: $3.99
Synopsis: Eager to maintain a relative peace from Rita Repulsa’s alien hordes and seek a new path to heroism, the Rangers look to Grace’s organization, Promethea, for help.