Over the last 2 years, Metal Gear fans have been waiting eagerly for the next big thing in the franchise. Media and fans speculated that last year’s E3 would bring such an announcement, but they were sorely disappointed.
Later in 2012 @ the PAX Convention, that would change. The famous Kojima Productions, gave the audience a 15-minute preview of their newest game demo, “Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zero” and wow, was the wait ever worth it. In this demo we got to see their new game engine the “Fox Engine” in action, and it’s safe to say that the game looks pretty amazing. Boasting graphics and real-time effects, yet to be seen on current generation platforms, the crowd was in awe as the game was announced for the X-Box & PS3 systems.
Most of the trailer you see is one long cut scene, but as the game transitions to the user game mode, a seamless integration takes over and the next thing you know you’re controlling Snake. You’re dodging searchlights, climbing into jeeps and avoiding detection just like the good old days.
One of the original stealth games from the era of first gen systems, Metal Gear has always captured our attention and this new incarnation, “Metal Gear: Ground Zero” is poised to enthrall its target audience once more.
This article originally appeared in Comix Asylum Magazine, Issue 1 (April 2013).