What It Means To Be Player Two


What It Means To Be Player Two
Author: S.A.

There’s nothing worse than being player two in a video game. You get second pick, and second crack at a game you want to play. The second player also just doesn’t seem to share the lime light, as far as cut scenes are concerned, with their player one brethren.

BPH_IRL_Player_One_Player_Two_2015_11However is being player two really all that bad?

A short animated video that was published to Vimeo in the month of April seems to argue that it isn’t and that in fact it’s something worth cherishing.

Watch the skit below to see what I mean before exploring the rest of the article, and to understand our own opinion in regards to this aspect of gaming.


As you can see by the short animated clip, made by Zachary Antell, being player two is meant to be a shared adventure. As someone who has grown up gaming alone, as my siblings had no true interest in the genre, I can’t help but agree. Being player one is a powerful feeling, as you decide how the adventure generally unfolds. However being player two isn’t bad, as it means something that others often forget.

That you’re there, wherever that there is, with a friend.

You have someone to guide you through the hardest sections of life, and too support your decisions. You have someone to laugh and enjoy in the magic that comes from the stories unraveling in front of you, and to understand your pain at their end. Their successes are your success, and your successes are theirs.

Playing alone can’t, and won’t, give you the same feeling.

The memories made through gaming are powerful, as any gamer anywhere can tell you, but never as good as when they are shared. So being player two doesn’t mean you got the short end of the stick. Rather, it means you had a permanent friend for the adventure.

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