Marvel’s Issue #2 Promotional Program


You Want to Know What Happens Next? Pick Up Issue #2!

Announcing Marvel’s Issue #2 Promotional Program

 New York, NY—September 16th, 2015 – All-New, All-Different Marvel is taking the world by storm, garnering mass media press and global excitement with a recharged and refueled line of comics. And Marvel is making sure all comic book stores worldwide are armed and ready for the biggest comics releases of the year! Today, we’re pleased to announce a new initiative that will provide extra promotion and marketing for the exciting issue #2’s of new series!

In addition to heavy promotion and marketing for the first issues, Marvel is rolling out the red carpet for the second installments of these highly anticipated titles. Along with added publicity, web advertising and web skins – each new All-New, All-Different Marvel first issue will conclude with a full page advertisement for issue #2. Prompting fans who’ve just finished these exciting first issues to come back for round two!

If you thought issue #1 was packed with high-octane action and can’t-miss moments, just wait till you read issue #2! Be there when comics biggest creators take on the world’s most popular characters when All-New, All-Different Marvel takes over comic shops beginning this October.

For more on All-New, All-Different Marvel, please visit


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