Mad Max


Mad Max Review
Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Developer: Avalanche Studios
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Author: S.A.

So for those of you hoping for an insanely great story, with heartfelt characters, and even more interesting character growth….that’s not Mad Max. If you’re familiar with the premise of the Mad Max films than the madness in this game needs no explaining, and for those of you who aren’t, well I can honestly say it’s filled with a really quirky cast of characters.

mad_max_game_23Do their lips look sewn shut? Or is that just me….

Mad Max is based off its movie counter part and thus slots us into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. You know what that means? That numerous deserts, canons, and caves are the greatest sight seeing spots in this world.


We take control of Max Rockatansky, our favourite road warrior, as he carves a hellish path through this wasteland in search of revenge and a brand new vehicle. That said, I pity the fools that decided to rob us because a quick death is a privilege granted to only a few in this world, and not one we will give to these War Boys. Our fighting takes place mostly through vehicular warfare, and makes the burn out series look tame in comparison. Through the use of weapons and various armour upgrades our car becomes quite the fearsome machine, and likely illegal if any government still existed to care. Boundaries in the game are seemingly none existent, but you are limited by the fact that after a certain distance you wander into what is known as “The Big Nothing”. This is an endless wasteland that spreads out before you, and truly not that interesting as far as exploration is concerned.

2889912-mad+max+website+01Does my car beat your car? Yes, yes it does.

The games graphics are standard, and don’t really seem to be pushing the envelope in any huge way but are definitely enjoyable to witness. That said, I wouldn’t recommend Mad Max as a must grab game of this year, or any other, unless you could pick it up very cheap. It’s a time waster, not a game changer.

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