Lumberjanes: Beyond Bay Leaf Special #1



Lumberjanes: Beyond Bay Leaf Special #1

Imprint: BOOM! Box

Writer: Faith Erin Hicks
Artist: Rosemary Valero-O’Connell

What’s to Love: It’s our first-ever Lumberjanes special and we could not be more excited to welcome writer Faith Erin Hicks (The Adventures of Superhero Girl) and newcomer artist Rosemary Valero-O’Connell to our growing Lumberteam. This self-contained story perfectly captures the spirit of what the Lumberjanes are: hardcore lady-types who can fend for themselves, but also quick to help those who are in need!

What It Is: In this special one-shot issue, Jen takes the girls out at night to go stargazing, but Ripley wanders off when she sees a ghost pony! Now April, Jo, Molly, and Mal have to rely on the strange woman Sola to find their friend and earn their Beyond Bay Leaf pin!


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