Lords Of The Jungle #5

LordsJungle2016-05-Cov-A-MassaferaLords Of The Jungle #5
writer: Corinna Bechko
artist: Roberto Castro
covers: Felipe Massafera (a), Roberto Castro (b)
incentive cover: Roberto Castro (B/W art)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+ 
With the scope of the plot behind Jane’s kidnapping laid bare, Tarzan and Sheena are faced with something even more sinister: the possibility that no timeline is safe from the depredations of an apocalyptic cult! But with few resources and even fewer friends, can they wrest their fates and the future of their homes from the hands of Laine and her power mad cronies?


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