Lets Go to the Movies with Drive In Delerium: The New Batch


I remember back to one of the first movies I saw with my mom as she asked me what movie I wanted to see. That movie turned out to be Buck Rogers in the 25th Century and before the movie started we had previews to watch. One of the trailers was for the newly released film Dawn of the Dead and from that point on in my life I was hooked. I wanted to see trailers for various films as these mini movies would get you excited to sit through the entire movie. Even today when I go to see a movie I usually go early as I do not want to miss the trailers. What if I told you there was a collection on blu-ray that just collected trailers of an era called Drive In Delirium: The New Batch? But are these some of the trailers you will want to watch or should you just skip to the feature presentation?

This massive volume covers films from the 70’s and 80’s broken into three categories. The first part is entitled the Quickening and these focus on sci-fi, western and comedy as well as some thrillers as well. Some of great trailers that are in part one range from classics that you might have watched (such as Missing in Action or Death Wish 3) or some that you have never even heard of (like 1990: The Bronx Warriors or Death Machines). The second part is called the Spawning and this covers some of the well known horror films that were popular during the 70’s and 80’s. Some of the most amazing movies range from the Friday the 13th series (V, VII and The Final Chapter) as well as some of Stephen Kings works (Firestarter, The Dead Zone and Pet Semetary). What really surprised me is that there are also some of the great Italian horror film trailers on this disc as well! Deep Red, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage and City of the Living Dead are on here as well as each of these trailers have been painstakingly restored to their former glory. There is even an extras section called VHS Delirium which has some of these trailers ripped from a lower grade source and has some of the trailers that are mentioned above however, there are some others like Fritz the Cat or The Day After which are some classics that should be sought out and watched to their fullest extent. And with close to 100 minutes of content there is something for everyone in this great volume.

If you want to go back and experience your childhood or check out a few trailers for some films that you had never heard of before you need to give Drive In Delirium: The New Batch a shot. For more information on this and other fine titles head over to https://www.umbrellaent.com.au and get ready to go back to the movies.