Kolobos Invites You to Be on Camera


To me the hardest thing to do would be to make a movie as there’s a lot of work that needs to go into it. You need to write the script, get equipment, find actors, etc and so on to make a film that might make you a success. However, imagine if you were offered to be in a film but there was an underlying purpose behind this. Would you be able to figure out what was going on before it was too late or would you succumb to the horror? This is the premise of the latest Arrow release called Kolobos.

The movie starts as a couple finds a young girl who is only able to utter one word over and over and that word is “Kolobos”. The film shifts back into the past as a group of friends are invited to a house and they are offered to participate in a revolutionary new film. The house is outfitted with cameras as each and every move from these people are captured for all time. However, there is something else going on in the house and it is something sinister. Will the group be able to find out what’s going on and escape before it’s too late?

There are also more than a few special features that you can watch after the feature film is done. There is Slice and Dice which analyzes the music that went into the movie and it’s hosted by the composer William Kidd. Face to Faceless is an interview with Ilia Volok and we go behind the actor who played the faceless person in the movie. A making of Kolobos featurette called Real World Massacre: The Making of Kolobos includes interviews with the people who made the film. There is also an audio track on the movie as well and you can watch it with the audio commentary that features co-writers / directors Daniel Liatowitsch and David Todd Ocvirk. There is also a behind the scenes image gallery, a super 8 short film as well as the original trailer.

If you love films like Saw and Cube then you need to check out this film. And for more information on this and other releases visit www.arrowfilms.com and get ready to make a movie.