Kings Quest TP

Kings Quest TP
writer: Ben Acker, Heath Corson
artist: Dan McDaid, Bob Q
cover: Marc Laming
FC • 128 pages • $19.99 • Teen+ 
The greatest comic strip heroes of all time, united to battle a menace bazillions of light years from Earth! Ming the Merciless, conqueror of worlds, failed to claim our planet for his empire, thanks to its mightiest champions: Flash Gordon, Mandrake the Magician, Prince Valiant, Jungle Jim, and two generations of The Phantom. Their home saved, our heroes strike out upon a new daring, space-faring quest: to save one of their own from Ming’s dastardly clutches, the intrepid reporter Dale Arden!
“This is an old school, well made adventure comic, Id recommend it to anyone with a yearning for simpler times. “
 – Comic Crusaders


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