James Gunn Fired By Disney Over Past Tweets


When I first heard the name of James Gunn it was back in the early 2000’s with a film franchise that I was very passionate about and that was Dawn of the Dead. I went in as a skeptic as I had no idea if this was going to be a good movie with “fast moving zombies”. However, I found the film to be quite enjoyable and I loved the way he tackled the original source material while also making the movie his own.

Years later he would be hired by Disney to work on the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise and he has done a great job. However, before he was hired on I am convinced that Disney vetted him as people who get hired to work at the park are vetted by the company. This past weekend at San Diego Comic Con as the convention was going on his past inappropriate tweets surfaced again and Disney fired him from the project. Not only that he was supposed to announce another movie he was working on and even Sony pulled the movie he was working on from Hall H during the con!

The tweets deal with different things however, they were meant to be taken as jokes and not seriously in any way, shape or form. That being said, the jokes dealt with some pretty inappropriate topics that were sure to offend. These tweets were re-posted as Gunn is a outspoken critic of our current president Donald J. Trump and it was supposed to take him down a few pegs.

Now we have backlash and support from both sides however, the folks over at Guardians of the Galaxy are defending James Gunn! Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana and Chris Pratt have all chimed in on his side of and even Michael Rooker has had enough and deleted his twitter entirely! However, what does this mean for the future of this project? Will Disney just say that they messed up and re-hire James Gunn? That could happen or they can go with a completely different director but if so who? Do you think Disney took things too far or should they have fired him for something that was said years ago? Let us know! We love to hear from you!