Get Ready to Be Entranced by the Mermaid’s Song


Since the dawn of time as our ancestors ventured out into the sea there have been tales of mermaids. These creatures with a human upper body but the lower body of a fish have been the centerpiece of plenty of myths, folklore and fairy tales. One of the most popular ones has to be The Little Mermaid done by Hans Christian Andersen which was later adapted by Disney. But what if this creature was not at all friendly and could not only entrance people but send them to their doom as well? This is the premise behind the latest in Wild Eye Releasing’s library entitled The Mermaid’s Song.

This movie takes place in the great depression, although it isn’t given a specific location, we are told it takes place in the Dust Bowl. In this middle of nowhere town a family operates a cabaret/bar out of their barn and it is run by George and Serena performs for the crowds nightly. They all do this to support their little girl named Charlotte and are managing to scrape by that is until the loss of Serena. Now as the family business is losing money at an astronomical rate a loan shark by the name of Randall enters the picture making them an offer they simply cannot refuse. But will this new offer spell doom for the business and what about Charlotte who is now a teenager as she is trying to find her place in the world? All I can say is that this movie is a pretty good period piece that will keep you entertained for the 88 minute run time.

However, like some of the other releases there isn’t alot of extra content as the only thing that is on the disc other than a scene selection are trailers for other works that Wild Eye Releasing that will soon have available. I would have loved to see more on how this feature was made but unfortunately it is what it is.

With a good cast and an interesting premise you should give Mermaid’s Song a look if you want an interesting period piece. For information on this and other releases head over to and get ready to resist the Mermaid’s Song.