Get the Nintendo 2D’s Super Cheap


Get the Nintendo 2D’s Super Cheap

The price of an average game is often enough to make young parents cringe when their off spring demand the newest title to hit the shelves. That said, the price for the consoles to play these games is more than enough to make Christmas a painful time of the year.

Well here’s a cheap handheld console for you guys.

nintendo-2dsThe Nintendo 2DS, the non 3D but works just as well version, has gone down in price yet again. For those of you looking for a cheap hand held device to make the daily commute more lively, or even to keep your kids quiet on the car ride – this is for you.

The price has gone from $100 dollars to $80 dollars.

That’s right, the hand held system costs just as much, if not less, then some of the titles currently be played on your favourite next gen console. The best part of this being that nearly all games for the 3DS work on this console, just without the 3D function.

Which most people turn off anyways.

The 2D’s was designed as an entry level hand held, the cousin to the 3Ds, and meant to be for those of us who couldn’t afford it’s older brother. That said, this recent price drop comes with some extra goodies. To sweeten the alluring scent of a price drop, Nintendo has also promised to bundle in a digital version of Mario Kart 7, or Yo-Kai watch on the newly purchased 2D’s systems.

If that’s not enough to make you consider getting the console, I feel it’s important to point out that after the initial purchase of 80$ you now gain access to over 500 3DS games. On top of that, their are thousands of original DS games and hundreds of down loadable Virtual Console titles from Nintendo’s catalogue. Titles such as Super Mario 3D World, Fire Emblem: Fates are just some of the many that you will now be able to purchase and play.

Those who want to get in on this deal can visit the Nintendo website to learn more and see where they can purchase their new hand held.

For those of you who don’t, Smash brothers challenge anyone?

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