For New Genesis!!

From the team behind THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON, written by Tom King (BATMAN) and illustrated by Mitch Gerads (The Punisher), this is a MISTER MIRACLE unlike any you’ve read before. When MISTER MIRACLE #1 was announced (gallery now updated with an extended preview), series debuting on August 9, you saw Big Barda and her beloved Mister Miracle (Scott Free) stand face to face with Orion. But what do you do after the most death-defying act of your escape artist career? You go to war, of course! 
In MISTER MIRACLE #2, on sale September 13, Scott Free has skipped out on his trip to the great beyond and taken a boom tube to New Genesis instead, where he and his wife, Big Barda, take on the invading hordes of Apokolips. It’s enough to make a New God miss Granny Goodness’s orphanage!


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