E3 2018 Recap: Nintendo Announces Super Smash Brothers Ultimate


The big two have already had their conferences where we were wowed by Microsoft and a little less so by Sony as they brought quality over quantity. Now it is Nintendo’s turn up to bat and while I don’t have a Switch (unless Nintendo wants to give me one.. hint hint 😉 these are some of the amazing games coming out for this platform.

Right off the bat we have a mech based shooting game where you deal with various enemies as it looks and feels similar to Armored Core or Virtual On. This is the new shooter for the Switch and its called Daemon X Machina. Next we got a trailer for a new Xenoblade Chronicles game which is Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country. This looks amazing as I love how they have a backstory which set it apart from previous incarnations in the series. Next they delved into their two newest games, Let’s go Pokemon Pikachu and Eevee. They showed how you can catch pokemon using the joycon, importing them via Pokemon Go and they showed off a pokeball controller as well! Included in this pokeball is the mythical mew and this game is slated for a November 16th release this year.

Next on the list is Super Mario Party that uses two gamepads and four joycons to compete in wacky battles. You can get into a tank and blast opponents or fight in an arena. This game looks like tons of fun for you and your friends and is slated for an October 5th release date. Fire Emblem Three Houses is next as this action based RPG looks amazing. It reminds me of the Dynasty Warriors games where you go up against legions of enemies and this is slated for a Spring 2019 release. Battle Royale is coming to the switch with Fortnite! Yes you heard right as you can battle with up to 100 players online on the Switch, anywhere, for free… TODAY! If you’ve been wanting to check this out on the Switch go ahead and do so right now!

Next Reggie went into some of the EShop games like Overcooked 2 and Hollow Knight and these games look incredible and easy to pick up and play. After that they went into a rapid fire showcase of games for the Switch with such titles as Wasteland 2, Pixark and Just Dance 2019 to name a few. And after that it was the big guns as Nintendo dropped the bomb by announcing the next Super Smash Brothers game! Entitled Super Smash Brothers Ultimate this game is going to have a full roster of characters to choose from as well as tons of arenas to fight in. I being a Smash Brothers fan was excited to hear this and the game looks amazing on the Switch.

And there you have it! That was all the gaming from the Nintendo conference as they really focused on the Switch and didn’t have anything to add for the 3DS/2DS. If you want to check out the conference in its entirety you can go here to check it out. What do you think about this years show? Do you think Nintendo did a great job or did they focus too much on Smash Bros? Let us know!