NOTE: photo in the banner of the article was taken from Cold to My Flash’s Tumblr page. I was doing a Google search for the best pic since my I was sitting too far away. Despite owning an iPhone, the quality was poor in comparison. The ebulliently youthful, fresh-faced, down-to-earth actress was met with outrageous levels of enthusiasm as she sauntered into a packed room at FANeXpo Canada last Sunday.
The one-hour session was formatted as Q&A with multi-on-air personality Sam Maggs as the moderator.
Ms. Panabaker jumped right into it by taunting all the fans stating that she’s excited for all of us with the upcoming “Flashpoint”. She also emphasized that Season 3 is a lot lighter and hopefully more fun.
Some questions from Ms. Maggs:
- What would you do if not acting?
I would work with a non-profit organization, especially hospitals for kids. Caitlin is super-strong scientist. She was teased in middle school since she excelled in Math. Intelligence is celebrated as well as in Arrow (Felicity Smoak). “Girls gotta be their own hero”. Caitlin is independent and not distracted by handsome men. [snickers from the audience] [so not true!!]
Danielle is psyched for her character’s mother (Susan Walters of the CW’S Vampire Diaries) to appear. [The resemblance is uncanny!!!]
How was it playing Killer Frost??
Before shooting, I watched both of Tim Burton’s Dark Knight movies (Batman, Batman Returns) for inspiration.
Was it fun to be a villain?
- Would you play her again?
She’s dead. No chance!! [Comic geeks know that’s the farthest thing from the truth!!]
- Did you have any input into the costume?
Yes!! It was worked on for 6 months before shooting. Originally, it was one piece but it didn’t feel right. If it weren’t so cold in Vancouver, you would’ve seen more of the corset. [laughter]
It was high time for the attendees to chime in. They were extremely knowledgeable with her filmography, pretty much listing her entire CV.
Audience 1: What was it like working with your sister on Read It and Weep?
I really loved working with my sibling. Kay doesn’t act at the moment.
We both went to UCLA. I got my B.A. in English almost a decade ago. F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of my absolute favourite authors.
Audience 2: What about Shark with James Woods?
He is so talented!!! I felt very fortunate. I adore him!!
Audience 3: You worked on Eli Stone?
Only one episode. Funny enough, the executive producers on the Flash (Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisburg) worked on that series.
Audience 4: Who is the funniest joker on set?
Grant (Gustin) pretends to walk into walls. Tom (Cavanagh) is a huge prankster.
Audience 5: Congrats on your engagement. Tell us about working with The Hoff.
Fun!! I have a tee that says “Don’t hassel the Hoff!” [howling from audience]
Audience 6: Any chance of working again with Kevin Smith??
Super psyched!!!! He’s back for Episode #3.7 [thunderous applause]
Audience 7: What would you change in your past?
Not sure. I’ve been pretty fortunate. I’d tell my younger self that everything will be okay. I would’ve invested in Netflix. [laughter]
Audience 8: The formula for Velocity 9 — who was the science consultant?
Google? [laughter]
Audience 9: Is it tough to spew the tech jargon?
Yeah!! I didn’t practice ‘coagulated artery’. Instead it came out as ‘corroborated’. The same goes for ‘cryo’. I’d say ‘Cairo’.
Audience 10: What would be your superpower?
I’ve been asked this so many times. The answer always changes. I’d give empathy to others. [resounding applause]
Audience 11: How did you view the change to villainess?
I was completely giddy.
Audience 12: Did you know from the get-go?
I heavily researched Killer Frost. She’s all I’ve ever wanted in a role.
Audience 13: You were in Sky High. Do you think you’d get another super-hero role?
Tech was not as good 10 years ago. The Flash wouldn’t have been possible back then.
Audience 14: What are your thoughts on the musical crossover?
You’re picking the only person who can’t sing to be the first one!? I asked Carlos (Valdes) to teach me. Keiynan has got some pipes!!
Audience 15: There’s the upcoming 4-way crossover.
I thoroughly enjoyed doing scenes with Calista (Flockhart) and Chyler (Leigh) (from Supergirl).
Audience 16: Any possibility of The Flash bumping into Lucifer?
I got to meet Tom (Ellis). I pitched the idea for iZOMBIE. Nobody listens to me. [combo of ‘AAAWWW’ and chuckling]
Audience 17: Any problem channeling emotions?
None whatsoever. Killer Frost is a refreshing departure from Caitlin Snow.
Audience 18: How much source material did you have ahead of time?
This was all-new to me!! It was the best education yet. I was curious about Zatanna. Fans brought me books. I consult Carlos a lot.
Audience 19: Your thoughts on Tyler (Hoechlin) as Superman?
Awesome!! He’s so sweet. Fantastic job.
Audience 20: What other characters do you want to see?
Mirror Master!! He’s the first one that comes to mind. We need more women!!! [‘woot’ and applause]
Audience 21: You were privileged to work with Kevin Costner.
He was a dream!!! Such a detailed director and attentive actor!! He outdid himself on Mr. Brooks and all his other works.
Audience 22: You roomed with the two Canaries??
I never worked with Caity Lotz. Katie Cassidy has been a sister to me especially with filming in Vancouver.
Audience 23: Any personal growth from acting?
I find it’s the reverse. The growth informs your acting. One of my passions is traveling and seeing different cultures.
Sam Maggs asks: Favourite places?
London, Monte Carlo, Peru, Chile. I’m dying to go to Spain. I want to return to South America. Machu Piccu is quite intriguing.
Audience 24: Who swears the most?
Maybe me. [laughter] I don’t know…Everyone is professional and prepared.
Audience 25: Tom Fulton is one of the newest castmates.
He’s great. I haven’t shot any scenes with him yet.
Audience 26: Tell us about working with Jared (Padalecki) on Friday the 13th.
Frightfully fun!! The film was shot in Austin, TX.
Audience 27: Did you get to work with Mark Hamill?
We didn’t get to do any scenes together. He and John Wesley Shipp go way back! I’m not sure if he’s returning.
Audience 28: Any embarrassing moments from cons?
I’m sure!! Christopher Llyod. I walked up to him and asked ‘Do you remember me?’ [guffaws]
Audience 29: Anything you want to change for the Killer Frost costume?
The contacts make it really hard to see. They give me headaches. The wig and jacket gave me poor posture.
Audience 30: Who do you geek out over?
I was having dinner with Victor (Garber). Anderson Cooper approached our table and said ‘hi’. I couldn’t speak. He is so smart and poised.
Audience 31: You watch any TV?
I watch shows on planes since I do a lot of flying. My top two series are Six Feet Under and Unreal.
Final question:
Audience 32: Flash vs. Arrow. Who’d win??
Flash!! Duh!! [laughter]
In conclusion, it was a real hoot to see the increase level of interaction. At one point, it was a bit difficult to contain the excitement. Not everyone got a chance to inquire as many raised hands were put down. I’m gung-ho for Season 3 of The Flash and glad that Ms. Panabaker got to travel to the other side of our home and native land.