Crossed +100 #14


Crossed100-14DisasteredSimon Spurrier continues to deliver shocking developments in the future world of the Crossed. Humanity is taking a stand and fighting back against the rising tide of infection. Future has managed convince the towns of the true threat and a violent resolution has been enacted. But the Crossed have evolved and their plotting and planning are the machinations of generations of madness. How can any sane person hope to understand what is coming next…? Several special themed covers continue to enrich the series:

*American History X Wraparound – Each of these will depict a specific time in the past hundred years, showing how things have changed and offering a peek at some key events. Each cover will display the year in which it takes place to help build the full picture. Art by Christian Zanier.
*Crossed Wires – The Crossed just don’t see or make things the same way a person would, these images celebrate that day-to-day madness. Art by Christian Zanier.
*Disastered – These will show how America has changed since the original Crossed outbreak. Art by Christian Zanier.
*Horrific Homage – What if the Crossed were there from the very beginning of comics? This edition will be an Homage to a great Golden Age cover. Art by Michael DiPascale.
*Wishful Fiction – The evolution of science-fiction would have been very different with the Crossed as we show you here! Art by Daniel Gete.


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