Constant Internet Needed to Survive In Metal Gear Survive


Constant Internet Needed to Thrive In Metal Gear Survive

Konamis’ newest game, Metal Gear Survive, will be arriving on our door step in only a months time. That said, the company has decided to release some important information about its newest game. The biggest tid-bit of information that Konami has given us is that the game will need a constant internet connection to play in any form – even in single player. It’s hardly a big issue for gamers, but it is an important factor for some as their internet might be spotty and thus make the game unplayable for them.

Konami’s reasoning for this is that a constant internet connection will offer gamers a “seamless” experience while they move between multiplayer and single-player gaming.

Another fun fact about the upcoming game is that it will have a micro transaction store, where all good gamers can spend their in game currency. Coins for Metal Gear Survive can be purchased with real money, no surprise there, or gained through standard gameplay. This function is hardly new, as the previous title – Metal Gear Solid V – also had micro transactions worked into the series.

Konami has also briefed everyone on how long the game is, expecting gamers to take anywhere between 15-20 hours to complete the campaign. However it is worth saying that with a co-op mode, and a multiplayer mode, the game does offer replay-ability.

The final bit of news that we told by Konami had to do with the games upcoming beta. Which will begin tomorrow on January 18th, and will end on January 22nd. We will let you know how it goes if you don’t check it out yourself.


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