Caliber Comics August Graphic Novel Releases

Caliber Comics releases 4 graphic novels through Diamond Comic Distributors in August solicits 
May 31, 2018.  Caliber Comics is proud to announce the release of four exciting graphic novels in Diamond’s June catalog for delivery to retailers in August. These books are currently available to order through Diamond Previews.
NOWHERE – Volume One:  A fantasy-horror story in the style of Alice in Wonderland with a touch of Stranger Things about a girl whose dreams are literally becoming real. What starts off as a strange adventure through nightmares and dreams soon becomes an examination of trauma and recovery. When Abigail dreams, she goes to a terrible place. A world of blight and ruin, inhabited by a dark entity that pursues her relentlessly. Once these were passed off as disturbed childhood dreams, she soon finds figments of her nightmares bleeding into the waking world. And as she becomes further trapped in her dreams, Abigail finds that this strange world is far more dangerous and complex than she could have ever imagined. Collects issues #1-6. Color. A Diamond Spotlight Title. DIAMOND  # JUN181615 $18.99.
TIME GRUNTS – Volume One: The Monsters Within: October, 1944. Nazi fortunes appear bleaker by the day. But in the bowels of the Wenceslas Mines, a terrible threat has emerged! The Nazis have discovered the ability to conquer time itself with the help of a new ominous device, and now a rag tag group of American GIs must stop this threat to the past, present, and future while dealing with their past, prejudices, and fears in the process. “TIME GRUNTS is the product of years of effort and dedication – and the end result is something to be proud of.” – Alex Segura (Co-President, Archie Comics). “Time Grunts is a damn joy. Evan and company are producing a wonderful comic book filled not only with good art and story but passion. Take the jump and join the company on their mission.” – Matthew Clark (illustrator DC’s Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman: Arkham Knight). Collects issues 1-4. Color. DIAMOND  # JUN181616. $18.99.
DEADWORLD ARCHIVES – BOOK TWO:  Long before The Walking Dead there was Deadworld. Here is one of comics’ longest running independents as Deadworld has had over 100 issues and graphic novels published and over one million copies sold over the years. And it all starts here! A supernatural plague has been unleashed on the world. The dead return to walk the Earth, but this is no standard zombie story. The dead are just soldiers for those who have crossed the Gateway. Now seven wayward teens on a school bus, scramble to escape the zombie apocalypse. Little did they know that there were also intelligent zombies and they had a plan…and they had a leader, King Zombie. Collects issues 5-8 and short story “Doom Patrol.” “This is the original zombie comic and it’s easy to see why it’s lasted so long.” – World’s Heavyweight Comics. “…amongst the most essential horror titles of the last twenty years.” – Peter Normanton, From the Tomb magazine. Black and White. DIAMOND  # JUN181614 $14.99.
VIETNAM JOURNAL – Volume Three: From the Delta to Dak To:  Vietnam Journal is a look at the Vietnam War through the eyes of a war journalist, Scott “Journal'” Neithammer, as he chronicles the lives and events of soldiers on the front line during the Vietnam War. Scott returns to Vietnam, having recovered from his war injuries, but his expectations of being assigned to a safe area dissipate as he is dropped into the middle of a firefight in the Mekong Delta. Neithammer joins up with a new group deployed in the Vietnam War by the US Navy, the SEALs. They’re not exactly happy with the older “Journal” tagging along but orders are orders. Written and Illustrated by Don Lomax (MARVEL’s Punisher). Collects issues #9-12. Black and White. DIAMOND # JUN181617 $16.99.