Black Ops 3 News


Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Platform: Ps4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Pc
Release Date: November 6, 2015
Developer: Treyarch
Author: R.D.
Coming this November Black Ops 3 makes a return with a new overhaul in just about everything, the campaign, the multiplayer and, even the zombies mode.

First PicTreyarch returns with the third installment of Black ops
The campaign finds the gamer placed in a dark, futuristic setting, where the military ethics are questionable at best. We find many soldiers are operated on, having limbs replaced by cybernetics.  The soldiers are outfitted with technology called Direct Neural Interface (DNI) that grants soldiers superhuman abilities. If playing as a cyborg doesn’t entice you though, perhaps the fact that up to four-player co-op is no available might bring the reluctant gamer in. To further improve the co-op experience, each player will have their own armory where they can personalize their characters, down to the weapons, loadouts and even aesthetics, as well as showing off any achievements unlocked.


The time has come to play as an army of Arnolds.
The multiplayer mode has been given very Titan Fall feeling with its new free-flowing movement system. The change allows you to climb, mantle, swim, run along walls, and boost your jumps (much like a jetpack) all while being able to aim down the sights. This allows you to traverse the environment quickly and fluidly while shooting any poor unsuspecting souls from just about any direction.  In conjunction with the new movement system, the maps are designed specifically to compliment all of the extra parkour, jetpacking, and swimming, all while shooting enemies and getting shot as well. On top of these new fun features, there is experience-based progression, and there will be specialist classes.  There are 8 classes in total, and each one has a unique ability and a unique weapon.  The class-specific abilities and weapons are unlocked during a match by gaining points much like earning scorestreaks.  Finally, multiplayer adds the gunsmith and weapon paint shop.  These features will allow players to not just customize their characters by choosing what weapons they use but what those weapons actually look like.  The player also has the freedom to choose what attachments the guns will have and, ultimately, will have some degree of manipulating the weapons stats.

Third Black Ops 3 has returned with more features than ever, including a bow and arrow.
Zombie’s mode returns with a brand new mode called “Shadows of Evil” which takes place in 1940s, filme noire inspired Morg City.  In this mode, up to four players will control the Boxer, the Cop, the Magician, and the Femme-Fatale.  The players will work together towards a story-oriented goal that will include shooting zombies, punching zombies, shooting zombies, reviving each other, shooting zombies, munching some perk-a-candy, and shooting and punching zombies.  The game mode will include an experience-based system that will encourage many more hours of zombie crushing on top of the many hours that will already be present due to the zombie crushing.

FourthUwaaa don’t eat my face it’ll give you horrible indigestion.
Lastly, there is the preorder bonus.  There are actually a number of pre-order bonuses depending on which one you buy.  There is the deluxe version that comes with the game, some weapons skin packs, the season pass, sound track and “The Giant” zombie’s bonus map.  The hardened version contains everything the deluxe bundle has with the addition of the limited edition specialist concept art cards and the collectible steel book.  The juggernog bundle has the hardened bundle along with the perk-a-cola coaster and tin set, and a fully functional juggernog-themed mini-fridge to keep close to you as you drink away your rage and despair from all of the homicidal people around you.  The standard preorder does not come with any collectibles, however, all preorders will include early access to the multiplayer beta and, for PS4, Xbox one, and PC, the bonus NUK3TOWN map.  Happy gaming!

FifthYup, that’s a fridge.


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