Assassin’s Creed Unity


Assassin’s Creed Unity Review
Platform: PS4, Xbox One, PC
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Author: Z.M.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Get your hidden blades polished and put up your hoods, because the fight against the Templar’s continues in Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Unity. The good folks out in the Montreal offices seem to be keeping true to form as we return to the Animus to dive into the past lives of our protagonist’s ancestors. The only real question we have here though is can you uncover the secrets of the Templars and Assassin’s before Abstergo does?

Ah Paris, the city of love…and whatever that smell is. You find yourself flung into1789 and 1794 more often than not throughout the game, as Arno Dorian, a French-Austrian Assassin active during the French Revolution. On a path of redemption, you’ll stalk the streets of Paris to uncover the secrets of those backing the revolution, as well as find justice for both your blood and adoptive father’s murder. Uncovering new skills, abilities, and gadgets as you progress towards your redemption and the rising of the Brotherhood.

ttLook up for once guys.

            The French Revolution is a crazy time to say the least. Riots in the streets, Templars roaming free, looters, and those just reveling in the chaos. Where is Arno to start helping bring the revolution to it’s inevitable end? Good thing there are a seemingly endless amount of things to do. Between your main storyline, Assassination contracts, and a police force who seem to not want to do anything for the people, I’m sure it’ll keep you busy for some time. Unfortunately much of your time will be consumed trying to find the locations of things as there seem to not be markers for objectives that aren’t apart of the main story.


Things get a little interesting as our gameplay seems to have gotten a bit of an update. During combat it seems timing is far more important with a new fencing inspired system. Gone are the days of mashing through the hoards of enemies this time around. As per usual parkour is an important part of navigating the world with the new feature of button choices ascending or descending as you free-run. Made to improve path finding, but more often than not, leading you in the opposite direction of where you wanted to go. As far as I can tell, the only thing that really stands above the rest in additions would be the drop in/drop out online cooperative play that replaced the competitive aspect of things.

When all is said and done, Unity still seems to have a lot of growing pains to get past. Everything that was implemented to help seems to have hindered gameplay. Our story and involvement in the world, though interesting, seems a little by the numbers for Assassin’s Creed fashion. With the mountain of bugs and glitches that plagued the games release and those that still find their way to avoid patches, one can only really hope that it’s true that the even numbered games in the series work out with Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate just around the corner.

Score Card:
Story: 3/5
Gameplay: 2/5
Graphics: 3.5/5
Audio: 4/5
Replayability: 2/5

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